Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 1: NaBloPoMo WIN; Diet FAIL

At least something happened right today - I am blogging my very first post for NaBloPoMo. Yay me!

Unfortunately, I am also blogging my first diet fail post. Boo me.

I knew today was going to be hectic: first day back at work after the holidays, an involved medical test appointment for my grandpa, and several errands - all to be completed before picking Miss Monkey up from daycare. Oh, and my goal was to stay OP (on points) all day. Maybe I set myself up to fail with too much to do?

The day started out great as I grabbed a couple diet shakes to bring with me since I knew it would be hectic. I have a hard time eating breakfast so I figure the diet shakes are better than not eating anything at all.

I breezed through work and picked up my grandpa on time for his appointment. It was supposed to be an easy test and I figured I'd have plenty of time to do my errands. When we got to his appointment, however, we realized it was way more involved than we anticipated. Foolishly, I should have expected it after all the prep we had to do before the appointment.

To make up for the unforseen uncomfortable appointment, I made another foolish mistake: offering to take my grandpa out to lunch. Bad move on my part.

My grandpa loves low-key family restaurants and diners. Always good food, but tons of fat and calories.

I tried to be good and ordered the cob salad without the bacon bits with a low-fat vinegarette on the side. Forgot about the yummy delicious blue cheese that came with it. Also didn't realize what a HUGE salad it was.

Diet? What diet?

Tomorrow is another day. But at least I blogged today. :)

(I am neglecting to discuss dinner - balsamic chicken with mashed potatoes and crispy onions from BJ's Brewhouse.. must get back on track tomorrow.. must get back on track tomorrow...)


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