Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Try

So last month's try at NaBloPoMo..


We won't even go there. It's a new year, new month - so time for a new try at NaBloPoMo. First new year's resolution: not to blog how much I suck at blogging. I'm just going to go with it.

NaBloPoMo even has a great theme this month: best. I've decided to go with the boring "Best Moments of the Day" lists because 1) they're easy, and 2) I have some awesome moments in my day that I hope to look back on later and smile.

Tomorrow will be a longer blog, I promise. Unfortunately grocery lists don't write themselves.


♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥

- Staying in my pajamas all day with J and Miss Monkey. Technically Miss Monkey didn't stay in her pajamas since she got a bath this morning, but we put her in sweats so she could lounge around all day with us. We didn't go anywhere or do anything too strenuous - the perfect way to ring in the new year.

- Getting woken up from my nap by Miss Monkey. Why is this a best moment, you ask? Well, we had stayed up late the night before and I was dragging today, so I decided to lay down when we put Miss Monkey down for her nap. I guess she didn't go down to sleep and was playing with J for a while when she wandered down the hall and decided to try out her new skill of opening doors. The bedroom door swung open and for a minute, I thought J had opened the door to let her wake me up. She paraded in with a proud look on her face and I realized that not only did she have the idea to get into our bedroom, but she was actually able to do it! J soon came rushing down the hallway when he heard the door open and we burst into laughter when we realized what she had done.

- Making plans to go to BabiesRUs tomorrow to get some child-proof door locks. :)

- Playing Wii with J when she finally went down for an actual nap. We just got a Wii this last week but hadn't really had a chance to mess around with it. I laughed so much watching him play some of the Wii Fit Plus games on the balance board, and he actually beat me at Trivial Pursuit. Maybe he'll play more now that he won once.. ;)


CynthiaK said...

I was inspired by the "best" theme for January's NaBloPoMo, too. Let's hope that "best" can keep us inspired this month!

Happy New Year!

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