Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Working From Home

I'm not even going to go into my eating today. Bleh.

I know there is a huge debate out there among moms over who has an easier life: working moms vs. stay-at-home moms. Everyone has their opinions and I see the pros and cons of both sides. However, there is another side that not many people talk about: the part-time working/part-time stay-at-home mom.

To be frank, we part-time working moms seem to have the best of both worlds. Not only do we get to enjoy spending all the quality time with our children, but we get out for a couple days a week for some grown-up time. Miss Monkey also benefits since she gets to play with other kids two days a week at daycare.

Being part-time also creates some cons, though. Work never seems to stop for me. I have work at home (cleaning, paying bills, etc.) and then I bring work home with me.

Despite bringing home work with me, I never seem to get time to complete it.

Tonight, not only did I complete all my work, but I also did work I was planning to do tomorrow. It feels SO good to be ahead of the game for once.

Now if only I could get ahead of paying my bills...


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