Hoping to jump start my blog again with a "get to know me" survey. Enjoy! :)
1. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
Of course! Not only is it the law, but I feel funny without it. My mom once asked me if I had to consciously put my seat belt on because when she was young, seat belts weren't required. Luckily I don't even think about it.
2. Name one thing you worry about running out of.
Right now - milk. Miss Monkey still drinks bottles and life would be scary without milk.
3. What are you listening to right now?
The Biggest Loser in the background. I love this show, but don't feel I need to concentrate on every detail.
4. What's your favorite number?
12 - the day of the month that J and I were born on.
5. What was the last thing you ate?
Ugh, pizza. Too much pizza. I accidentally bought spare ribs instead of pork shoulder, so we ordered pizza with a promise of doing the ribs tomorrow in the crock-pot.
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Maybe a green color. I'm not quite sure - how do you figure that out?
7. How is the weather right now?
Cold and cloudy. But it was sunny earlier today for the first time in weeks!
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mama. She's my go-to-person for advice on anything, and I love her for it. :) And at the end of the call, Abby tried talking to her but ended up pushing buttons on the phone instead.
9. What is your favorite pizza topping?
Ugh, I don't even want to think of pizza right now. But I guess I would have to say mushrooms! J hates them but will eat them if they're on pizza, so I jump at the chance.
10. Do you have a significant other?
Yes, I do - and I love him very much. :)
11. Favorite TV show?
It is so hard to pick a favorite. I am a TV junkie and thanks to Hulu.com, I can watch myshows without paying for cable. I think it's a toss-up between TruBlood and Weeds.
12. Siblings?
One younger brother and two younger step-siblings.
13. Height?
5'2" - 4 inches taller than a midget!
14. Hair color?
Medium brown - and has actually stayed dye-free for a year now.
15. Eye Color?
It's tricky - sometimes blue, sometimes green, sometimes hazel.
16. Do you wear contacts?
Nope, just glasses for reading and using the computer.
17. Favorite Holiday?
I love Christmas season, but am not a fan of Christmas Day. Life gets too complicated Christmas Day, and I often dream of going on vacation one year.
18. Month?
October - I love fall!
19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
I was pregnant, of course I cried for no reason!
20. What was the last movie you watched?
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - for the 52nd time. My kid loves that movie.
21. Favorite flower?
Morning glories and forget-me-nots. I love the simplicity of them and the blue colors.
22. Have you ever fired a gun?
Not only do I own a gun, but I have my hunters license. ;) Too bad I'm too lazy to go hunting. I think J prefers hunting by himself anyways.
23. Do you like to travel by plane?
I love traveling by plane, but haven't gotten to in a long while. Maybe since Alaska with my mom two years ago.
24. Right-handed or Left-handed?
Right-handed, but a left-handed computer mouse user.
25. Do you have a Tattoo?
Nope, I have a needle phobia and am probably the only one out of my friends who doesn't have one. Plus, I like change too much!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
NaBloPoMo - Fail #2
Well, I did much better at NaBloPoMo than I did the last time. I am thinking that posting every day is just not my style. I forget to post one day, and then keep putting it on the back burner.. all the while coming up with awesome blog topics. Lame.
The reason I missed a day to begin with was I was celebrating our anniversary with my hunny. :) We didn't do much - I got him a new flannel jacket and he got me 4 long stem roses (one for each year), which was very cute for him! He is not the flower-buying type, which sucks since I am definitely the flower-receiving type. We also treated ourselves to take-out from Outback Steakhouse (yum!) and caught up on some Heroes episodes. It was perfect considering I was still fighting the sniffles.
Besides the anniversary, I've been really kicking it up a notch with the wedding planning - but more on that tomorrow. It's bed time so I can get up early and continue my Wii exercise streak (3 days and counting!).
The reason I missed a day to begin with was I was celebrating our anniversary with my hunny. :) We didn't do much - I got him a new flannel jacket and he got me 4 long stem roses (one for each year), which was very cute for him! He is not the flower-buying type, which sucks since I am definitely the flower-receiving type. We also treated ourselves to take-out from Outback Steakhouse (yum!) and caught up on some Heroes episodes. It was perfect considering I was still fighting the sniffles.
Besides the anniversary, I've been really kicking it up a notch with the wedding planning - but more on that tomorrow. It's bed time so I can get up early and continue my Wii exercise streak (3 days and counting!).
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Workin' Mama
My blog post is kind of late tonight, but still on time for NaBloPoMo. You see, I'm usually in bed by 8-9pm because J wakes up early. This does not mean that I get up with him - I just need more sleep than he does so I go to bed when he does and wake up when Miss Monkey does. It's a win-win for everyone.
Anyways, back to my topic tonight.
The reason I'm up late tonight is because today is my official day of working at home. I have been sort of leading up to this day, as my boss recently became employed (while still retaining his self-employed title). This means it has been little ol' me in the office by myself. With no heat. In the middle of winter. In a huge historic building. See why I'm working from home now?
This means that two glorious days a week, Miss Monkey goes to daycare and I get to bask in being home alone without having to worry about tip-toeing around during nap time. This is going to reveal my OCD side a little bit, but one of the best parts of my day is straightening up the house and basking in its cleanliness all day. When I go from room to room, it will be exactly the way I left it. No toys, no food, no sippy cups...
.. and I'm rambling again. I get so excited about a clean house!
To celebrate, I did what any hard working individual should do: I watched some TV shows I had stored on Hulu (by myself!) and took a nice needed nap. That is, until the 4.1 earthquake that rocked the Bay Area today woke me up. Maybe it was a sign that I should not have been napping during a work day? Hey - I'm still sick and it was the first time I got sick "me time" all week.
I did get a majority of the work done in the afternoon, but then needed to finish tonight after Miss Monkey went to bed. But then I got distracted by the rest of my TV shows, so of course I finished at a snail's pace.
Which leads me back to why I'm writing this blog post so close to deadline. But at least it's getting written and it feels so good to reflect on the happiness (despite talking about work) of my day.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- Working at home! I am so lucky. :)
- Getting to take a nap, despite the earthquake waking me up. Luckily it wasn't a big one and J wasn't working at a dangerous job site today.
- Discovering a new TV series called Mercy. I'm not quite sure whether I like it or not, but it is starting to grow on me. I'm sure I don't need another TV series to get addicted to, but now that I'm staying up late working, I'm going to need some sort of company.
- Miss Monkey was so cute before bed. Not did I let her stay up until Toy Story was over at 8:30pm (she is usually in bed by 7:30pm lately), but during the rolling credits she stood up and started dancing. It was so cute that she was so tired, but still so happy. I love it when she's in a good mood. And she even went to bed without a fuss (like she usually does).
Tomorrow is J and I's last non-married anniversary of our first date! Still need to get him a little something.
Anyways, back to my topic tonight.
The reason I'm up late tonight is because today is my official day of working at home. I have been sort of leading up to this day, as my boss recently became employed (while still retaining his self-employed title). This means it has been little ol' me in the office by myself. With no heat. In the middle of winter. In a huge historic building. See why I'm working from home now?
This means that two glorious days a week, Miss Monkey goes to daycare and I get to bask in being home alone without having to worry about tip-toeing around during nap time. This is going to reveal my OCD side a little bit, but one of the best parts of my day is straightening up the house and basking in its cleanliness all day. When I go from room to room, it will be exactly the way I left it. No toys, no food, no sippy cups...
.. and I'm rambling again. I get so excited about a clean house!
To celebrate, I did what any hard working individual should do: I watched some TV shows I had stored on Hulu (by myself!) and took a nice needed nap. That is, until the 4.1 earthquake that rocked the Bay Area today woke me up. Maybe it was a sign that I should not have been napping during a work day? Hey - I'm still sick and it was the first time I got sick "me time" all week.
I did get a majority of the work done in the afternoon, but then needed to finish tonight after Miss Monkey went to bed. But then I got distracted by the rest of my TV shows, so of course I finished at a snail's pace.
Which leads me back to why I'm writing this blog post so close to deadline. But at least it's getting written and it feels so good to reflect on the happiness (despite talking about work) of my day.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- Working at home! I am so lucky. :)
- Getting to take a nap, despite the earthquake waking me up. Luckily it wasn't a big one and J wasn't working at a dangerous job site today.
- Discovering a new TV series called Mercy. I'm not quite sure whether I like it or not, but it is starting to grow on me. I'm sure I don't need another TV series to get addicted to, but now that I'm staying up late working, I'm going to need some sort of company.
- Miss Monkey was so cute before bed. Not did I let her stay up until Toy Story was over at 8:30pm (she is usually in bed by 7:30pm lately), but during the rolling credits she stood up and started dancing. It was so cute that she was so tired, but still so happy. I love it when she's in a good mood. And she even went to bed without a fuss (like she usually does).
Tomorrow is J and I's last non-married anniversary of our first date! Still need to get him a little something.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Buy One, Get What?
I am pretty lucky that not only is my future mother-in-law into photography, but one of my close friends is too. It's like my kid has her own personal paparazzi sometimes. Because of this, I am blessed with a ton of awesome photos of my kid and all our friends (but let's be honest - they're mostly of my adorable daughter).
My photography friend recently had some of her photos printed for her portfolio and gave me some of the extras ones of Miss Monkey. She had two sizes, and I (stupidly) chose the 5x7s. I loved how they looked in the 5x7, but did not think about the time and effort it would take to find a photo collage frame for 9 5x7 photos.
I looked at all my usual places - nothing. I looked at Amazon.com - nothing. They had some adorable (and reasonably priced!) ones for 4x6s, but I couldn't find anything I liked for 5x7s.
I finally looked at the web site for Michael's and found the perfect frame I was looking for! The web site mentioned that it was a custom order frame, so I was slightly dreading finding out the price. However, it was the only frame that not only looked decent, but was exactly what I was looking for.

So Miss Monkey and I went to Michael's today to see how much I was going to have to shell out for this frame, and instead of having to "custom order" it from the framing counter, I found a ton of them on the shelves with all the regular frames. Not only were there a ton of them, but they were only $39.99! That is dirt cheap in the land of large frames. I must have turned it over and over again for several minutes trying to figure out what exactly was wrong with it.
After determining that there was no sane reason why it was so cheap, I took it up to the counter and started to check out. The cashier scanned the frame and looked surprised for a minute. I was expecting her to tell me that the wrong price tag was on it, but instead she informed me that there was a buy one, get one sale on that particular item and that I should go back and grab another one!
I think we both looked at each other in disbelief and shock.
The shock quickly wore off and I grabbed Miss Monkey out of the cart and practically ran back to the framing department where I quickly picked out an identical one and ran back to the front so I could make it out of the store before they discovered their computer made some sort of mistake. One Miss Monkey and I were out in the car, I took a deep breath and started doing my happy bargain dance. Believe me - the happy bargain dance is as lame as it sounds. Picture the cabbage patch and disco all rolled into one.
I've got one of the frames fill and despite breaking one of the panes of glass (which seems to ALWAYS happen to me! Luckily this one is only 5x7 and not custom dimensions, so it'll be easy to replace.), the frame turned out gorgeous.
Now I just need to find a theme of 9 more photos to fill my other free frame. It's going to be a long night.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- I have enough time to do a Best Moments of the Day section! I totally forgot about it last night, and the night before the best moment of my day was climbing into bed after suffering through a stuffy head.
- Buy one, get one deal on the picture frame! I am SUPER stoked about that. Not sure I mentioned it enough.
- Miss Monkey was a very good girl when we were running errands for most of the day. It's nice now that she's getting older and I'm able to distract her a lot more. Or maybe I'm just better at planning which errands to do before nap and which ones to do after nap.
- Phở for dinner! J picked up the yummy Vietnamese noodle soup that we oh-so-love for dinner, especially when we're sick. I'm so lucky to live in a place where there is practically a phở restaurant on every other corner.
- I am doing awesome on my NaBloPoMo! I need to stop leaving it until the last minute, though, so maybe I can start including some pictures.
My photography friend recently had some of her photos printed for her portfolio and gave me some of the extras ones of Miss Monkey. She had two sizes, and I (stupidly) chose the 5x7s. I loved how they looked in the 5x7, but did not think about the time and effort it would take to find a photo collage frame for 9 5x7 photos.
I looked at all my usual places - nothing. I looked at Amazon.com - nothing. They had some adorable (and reasonably priced!) ones for 4x6s, but I couldn't find anything I liked for 5x7s.
I finally looked at the web site for Michael's and found the perfect frame I was looking for! The web site mentioned that it was a custom order frame, so I was slightly dreading finding out the price. However, it was the only frame that not only looked decent, but was exactly what I was looking for.
So Miss Monkey and I went to Michael's today to see how much I was going to have to shell out for this frame, and instead of having to "custom order" it from the framing counter, I found a ton of them on the shelves with all the regular frames. Not only were there a ton of them, but they were only $39.99! That is dirt cheap in the land of large frames. I must have turned it over and over again for several minutes trying to figure out what exactly was wrong with it.
After determining that there was no sane reason why it was so cheap, I took it up to the counter and started to check out. The cashier scanned the frame and looked surprised for a minute. I was expecting her to tell me that the wrong price tag was on it, but instead she informed me that there was a buy one, get one sale on that particular item and that I should go back and grab another one!
I think we both looked at each other in disbelief and shock.
The shock quickly wore off and I grabbed Miss Monkey out of the cart and practically ran back to the framing department where I quickly picked out an identical one and ran back to the front so I could make it out of the store before they discovered their computer made some sort of mistake. One Miss Monkey and I were out in the car, I took a deep breath and started doing my happy bargain dance. Believe me - the happy bargain dance is as lame as it sounds. Picture the cabbage patch and disco all rolled into one.
I've got one of the frames fill and despite breaking one of the panes of glass (which seems to ALWAYS happen to me! Luckily this one is only 5x7 and not custom dimensions, so it'll be easy to replace.), the frame turned out gorgeous.
Now I just need to find a theme of 9 more photos to fill my other free frame. It's going to be a long night.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- I have enough time to do a Best Moments of the Day section! I totally forgot about it last night, and the night before the best moment of my day was climbing into bed after suffering through a stuffy head.
- Buy one, get one deal on the picture frame! I am SUPER stoked about that. Not sure I mentioned it enough.
- Miss Monkey was a very good girl when we were running errands for most of the day. It's nice now that she's getting older and I'm able to distract her a lot more. Or maybe I'm just better at planning which errands to do before nap and which ones to do after nap.
- Phở for dinner! J picked up the yummy Vietnamese noodle soup that we oh-so-love for dinner, especially when we're sick. I'm so lucky to live in a place where there is practically a phở restaurant on every other corner.
- I am doing awesome on my NaBloPoMo! I need to stop leaving it until the last minute, though, so maybe I can start including some pictures.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Murphey's Mom Laws
We're still sick on the home front, but Miss Monkey seems to be feeling better. We'll see how her sleeping is tonight. I've been up since 3am not being able to breathe or swallow through all the crappy mucus and am surprised that I'm still awake.
To get my mind off how much it sucks to be sick, I'd like to present to you my Murphey's Mom Laws - the list that is forever growing.
Law 1 - The day your child starts to feel better is always the same day that you feel the crappiest. My solution is to put on a movie, lie on the floor, and let your child entertain him or herself by climbing on top of you while you pretend that you're watching Shrek 2 for the very first time (nevermind that you already know ALL the lines!).
Law 2 - Whenever you are in your car listening to your adult music on your mp3 player (without your child), the 5th song after 4 really good ones will always be Elmo's Song. Just to ruin your car dancing buzz. I am really beginning to dislike that muppet some days.
Law 3 - The one night you decide to stay up late to finish a movie or tv show, your child will always wake up right as you climb into bed. They don't seem to care that as soon as you're done putting them back to sleep, that you will probably have trouble getting sleepy again. Prompting the cycle to repeat itself.
Law 4 - If your child decides one day that he or she loves bananas, and you discover they are on sale, the next day they will decide they are the worst thing in the whole world and who cares that you just bought a ton of them. Banana bread, anyone?
Law 5 - The one morning you decide to get up before your child does, take a shower (alone!), blow-dry your hair, put on your make-up, and get breakfast all ready to make will be the one morning your child decides to sleep in until 10am (usual wake-up time: 7am). Which means that you could have slept in until 9am - easy.
Do you have any Murphey's Mom Laws?
To get my mind off how much it sucks to be sick, I'd like to present to you my Murphey's Mom Laws - the list that is forever growing.
Law 1 - The day your child starts to feel better is always the same day that you feel the crappiest. My solution is to put on a movie, lie on the floor, and let your child entertain him or herself by climbing on top of you while you pretend that you're watching Shrek 2 for the very first time (nevermind that you already know ALL the lines!).
Law 2 - Whenever you are in your car listening to your adult music on your mp3 player (without your child), the 5th song after 4 really good ones will always be Elmo's Song. Just to ruin your car dancing buzz. I am really beginning to dislike that muppet some days.
Law 3 - The one night you decide to stay up late to finish a movie or tv show, your child will always wake up right as you climb into bed. They don't seem to care that as soon as you're done putting them back to sleep, that you will probably have trouble getting sleepy again. Prompting the cycle to repeat itself.
Law 4 - If your child decides one day that he or she loves bananas, and you discover they are on sale, the next day they will decide they are the worst thing in the whole world and who cares that you just bought a ton of them. Banana bread, anyone?
Law 5 - The one morning you decide to get up before your child does, take a shower (alone!), blow-dry your hair, put on your make-up, and get breakfast all ready to make will be the one morning your child decides to sleep in until 10am (usual wake-up time: 7am). Which means that you could have slept in until 9am - easy.
Do you have any Murphey's Mom Laws?
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sick Day
Tonight's post is going to be quick as Miss Monkey and I have been home sick all day. She's had a runny nose for a couple days and I just started with the head congestion today. Needless to say, we spent the whole day lounging around the house, watching movies.
I promise tomorrow's post will be longer. For now, all I can think about is curling up in bed and watching a movie on my laptop.
I promise tomorrow's post will be longer. For now, all I can think about is curling up in bed and watching a movie on my laptop.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Year's Resolutions
I have read SO many articles in the last couple days about New Year's Resolutions. News must be slow because every article seems to rant about the same thing: don't make them. I've read the statistics about how most people set the bar too high and are never able to follow through with them.
That doesn't stop me from making them, though.
I have learned not to make resolutions that are majorly life altering and not to make too many resolutions at once. Last year was the first year I made a realistic goal and was able to follow through with my resolution - with the exception of one or two days (there is nobody that can be that perfect.
So what easy resolution did I make last year?
To get dressed every day - even if it's just changing into a different pair of sweats.
You may laugh and think it's a silly resolution, but as a new stay-at-home mom, I found there were days when a shower wasn't even a fluttering thought in my head. And there is nothing worse than hanging on to that extra baby fat in clothes that haven't been changed since you last had to venture into the outside world - two days ago.
I thought about renewing my resolution for this year, except J and I spent the day in our pajamas in celebration of not having anything planned that day. Not a great way to start out a resolution.
I had already decided that completing one month of NaBloPoMo would be a great resolution in hopes of inspiring me to continue blogging more after the month was over. So far, so good.
My only other resolution is to start exercising regularly. I left it pretty vague so I could set my own time limits and mini-goals, and to avoid the too powerful resolution plague. It doesn't mean I have to exercise every day or beat myself up if I miss a day. It would be great to do the recommended average of 30 minutes a day, but I'm not sure I'll get there for a while.
To assist me in my resolution goal setting is our new Wii with the balance board. J and I already played lots this weekend, and I'm looking forward to starting the Wii Fit Plus program tomorrow. If I do well all week, then I may splurge and buy the Jillian Michaels' Ultimatum 2010 next weekend (I am a huge Biggest Loser fan!).
I purposely didn't set my resolution to lose weight in hopes that it will happen and won't be jinxed by the resolution curse. I've got less than 5 months until my wedding and it'd be nice to feel great on one of the best days of my life. Hopefully this fitness resolution will help with that.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- Getting my kitchen cleaned for the first time all weekend! With the mixture of friends and cooking projects, it feels like my kitchen has been a disaster lately. I am pretty lucky that J helped with most of the cleaning while I manhandled the kid and assisting with the finishing touches. It feels so nice to go to bed with a clean kitchen!
- Cruising the Farmer's Market for the first time in a while. With a hectic schedule lately, it's been hard to get over to the market for delicious fruits and vegetables. We were originally planning to walk, but the thermometer said 41 degrees and we opted for the car.
- Staying on top of laundry today. No explanation needed. :)
That doesn't stop me from making them, though.
I have learned not to make resolutions that are majorly life altering and not to make too many resolutions at once. Last year was the first year I made a realistic goal and was able to follow through with my resolution - with the exception of one or two days (there is nobody that can be that perfect.
So what easy resolution did I make last year?
To get dressed every day - even if it's just changing into a different pair of sweats.
You may laugh and think it's a silly resolution, but as a new stay-at-home mom, I found there were days when a shower wasn't even a fluttering thought in my head. And there is nothing worse than hanging on to that extra baby fat in clothes that haven't been changed since you last had to venture into the outside world - two days ago.
I thought about renewing my resolution for this year, except J and I spent the day in our pajamas in celebration of not having anything planned that day. Not a great way to start out a resolution.
I had already decided that completing one month of NaBloPoMo would be a great resolution in hopes of inspiring me to continue blogging more after the month was over. So far, so good.
My only other resolution is to start exercising regularly. I left it pretty vague so I could set my own time limits and mini-goals, and to avoid the too powerful resolution plague. It doesn't mean I have to exercise every day or beat myself up if I miss a day. It would be great to do the recommended average of 30 minutes a day, but I'm not sure I'll get there for a while.
To assist me in my resolution goal setting is our new Wii with the balance board. J and I already played lots this weekend, and I'm looking forward to starting the Wii Fit Plus program tomorrow. If I do well all week, then I may splurge and buy the Jillian Michaels' Ultimatum 2010 next weekend (I am a huge Biggest Loser fan!).
I purposely didn't set my resolution to lose weight in hopes that it will happen and won't be jinxed by the resolution curse. I've got less than 5 months until my wedding and it'd be nice to feel great on one of the best days of my life. Hopefully this fitness resolution will help with that.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- Getting my kitchen cleaned for the first time all weekend! With the mixture of friends and cooking projects, it feels like my kitchen has been a disaster lately. I am pretty lucky that J helped with most of the cleaning while I manhandled the kid and assisting with the finishing touches. It feels so nice to go to bed with a clean kitchen!
- Cruising the Farmer's Market for the first time in a while. With a hectic schedule lately, it's been hard to get over to the market for delicious fruits and vegetables. We were originally planning to walk, but the thermometer said 41 degrees and we opted for the car.
- Staying on top of laundry today. No explanation needed. :)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Social Italian Butterflies
I am so lucky to be marrying someone who loves having friends over to our house as much as I do. We are both very social people and with Miss Monkey running around, it's so easy and enjoyable to have our friends come over to hang out at our house. Sure, there is usually a huge mess the next day when we wake up, but neither of us complain and we always seemed to get it cleaned up first thing.
Tonight is no exception as we decided to host a night of yummy Italian food with two of our closest friends. On the menu was a delicious Pizza Quattro Stagioni (WeightWatchers.com recipe) and some modified Cannolis from a family recipe.
The pizza, which included dough made from scratch, came out perfect. We topped the pizza with some canned Italian tomatoes, basil, oregano, parsley, mushrooms, prosciutto, and artichokes. I had never cooked with prosciutto before (not sure how as most of my meals are Italian for my Italian fiance), but I HIGHLY recommend it. It was so delicious and a great alternative for ham. I wish we had saved some extra so we could use it in an omelet tomorrow morning.
As for the cannolis, the hunt for the right recipe continues. The history of these cannolis stems from J's grandmas. It has been said that they make the best cannolis ever. Unfortunately, the recipe was either lost or never written down because poor J's aunt has been trying to recreate it ever since. I never got the pleasure of having any of J's grandma's cannolis, but it isn't Christmas without the delicious cannolis that J's aunt makes.
A couple months ago, I discovered a strawberry rhubarb tart recipe that J has fallen in love with. One day I must have hurried through the recipe because I accidentally added too much of each ingredient. Oops. The result did not taste like the tart, but did not taste bad either. J thought the pastry part tasted like what he remembers from his grandmothers' cannoli recipe so we tried duplicating the mistake in the recipe tonight.
The result? Cannoli fail.
We'll try again tomorrow as his aunt left us a bunch of the cannoli filling and we'd like to use it before it goes bad. Hopefully tomorrow's batch comes out a little better.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- Getting to run errands by myself! J watched Miss Monkey while I ran to the craft and grocery stores. I discovered that I spend way less money when I'm trying to keep Miss Monkey entertained, and seem to be in and out quicker too. Who'd have thought she'd be a money saver?
- Watching part of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. That movie is too cute and Miss Monkey seemed to love it! Unfortunately I was running around the house doing chores so I didn't get to sit and watch it, but J and I may watch it during the kid's nap time if we don't see it sooner.
- Getting this post done 15 minutes before midnight, still allowing it to count for January 2nd's post. Go NaBloPoMo!
Tonight is no exception as we decided to host a night of yummy Italian food with two of our closest friends. On the menu was a delicious Pizza Quattro Stagioni (WeightWatchers.com recipe) and some modified Cannolis from a family recipe.
The pizza, which included dough made from scratch, came out perfect. We topped the pizza with some canned Italian tomatoes, basil, oregano, parsley, mushrooms, prosciutto, and artichokes. I had never cooked with prosciutto before (not sure how as most of my meals are Italian for my Italian fiance), but I HIGHLY recommend it. It was so delicious and a great alternative for ham. I wish we had saved some extra so we could use it in an omelet tomorrow morning.
As for the cannolis, the hunt for the right recipe continues. The history of these cannolis stems from J's grandmas. It has been said that they make the best cannolis ever. Unfortunately, the recipe was either lost or never written down because poor J's aunt has been trying to recreate it ever since. I never got the pleasure of having any of J's grandma's cannolis, but it isn't Christmas without the delicious cannolis that J's aunt makes.
A couple months ago, I discovered a strawberry rhubarb tart recipe that J has fallen in love with. One day I must have hurried through the recipe because I accidentally added too much of each ingredient. Oops. The result did not taste like the tart, but did not taste bad either. J thought the pastry part tasted like what he remembers from his grandmothers' cannoli recipe so we tried duplicating the mistake in the recipe tonight.
The result? Cannoli fail.
We'll try again tomorrow as his aunt left us a bunch of the cannoli filling and we'd like to use it before it goes bad. Hopefully tomorrow's batch comes out a little better.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- Getting to run errands by myself! J watched Miss Monkey while I ran to the craft and grocery stores. I discovered that I spend way less money when I'm trying to keep Miss Monkey entertained, and seem to be in and out quicker too. Who'd have thought she'd be a money saver?
- Watching part of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. That movie is too cute and Miss Monkey seemed to love it! Unfortunately I was running around the house doing chores so I didn't get to sit and watch it, but J and I may watch it during the kid's nap time if we don't see it sooner.
- Getting this post done 15 minutes before midnight, still allowing it to count for January 2nd's post. Go NaBloPoMo!
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year, New Try
So last month's try at NaBloPoMo..
We won't even go there. It's a new year, new month - so time for a new try at NaBloPoMo. First new year's resolution: not to blog how much I suck at blogging. I'm just going to go with it.
NaBloPoMo even has a great theme this month: best. I've decided to go with the boring "Best Moments of the Day" lists because 1) they're easy, and 2) I have some awesome moments in my day that I hope to look back on later and smile.
Tomorrow will be a longer blog, I promise. Unfortunately grocery lists don't write themselves.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- Staying in my pajamas all day with J and Miss Monkey. Technically Miss Monkey didn't stay in her pajamas since she got a bath this morning, but we put her in sweats so she could lounge around all day with us. We didn't go anywhere or do anything too strenuous - the perfect way to ring in the new year.
- Getting woken up from my nap by Miss Monkey. Why is this a best moment, you ask? Well, we had stayed up late the night before and I was dragging today, so I decided to lay down when we put Miss Monkey down for her nap. I guess she didn't go down to sleep and was playing with J for a while when she wandered down the hall and decided to try out her new skill of opening doors. The bedroom door swung open and for a minute, I thought J had opened the door to let her wake me up. She paraded in with a proud look on her face and I realized that not only did she have the idea to get into our bedroom, but she was actually able to do it! J soon came rushing down the hallway when he heard the door open and we burst into laughter when we realized what she had done.
- Making plans to go to BabiesRUs tomorrow to get some child-proof door locks. :)
- Playing Wii with J when she finally went down for an actual nap. We just got a Wii this last week but hadn't really had a chance to mess around with it. I laughed so much watching him play some of the Wii Fit Plus games on the balance board, and he actually beat me at Trivial Pursuit. Maybe he'll play more now that he won once.. ;)
We won't even go there. It's a new year, new month - so time for a new try at NaBloPoMo. First new year's resolution: not to blog how much I suck at blogging. I'm just going to go with it.
NaBloPoMo even has a great theme this month: best. I've decided to go with the boring "Best Moments of the Day" lists because 1) they're easy, and 2) I have some awesome moments in my day that I hope to look back on later and smile.
Tomorrow will be a longer blog, I promise. Unfortunately grocery lists don't write themselves.
♥ Best Moments of the Day ♥
- Staying in my pajamas all day with J and Miss Monkey. Technically Miss Monkey didn't stay in her pajamas since she got a bath this morning, but we put her in sweats so she could lounge around all day with us. We didn't go anywhere or do anything too strenuous - the perfect way to ring in the new year.
- Getting woken up from my nap by Miss Monkey. Why is this a best moment, you ask? Well, we had stayed up late the night before and I was dragging today, so I decided to lay down when we put Miss Monkey down for her nap. I guess she didn't go down to sleep and was playing with J for a while when she wandered down the hall and decided to try out her new skill of opening doors. The bedroom door swung open and for a minute, I thought J had opened the door to let her wake me up. She paraded in with a proud look on her face and I realized that not only did she have the idea to get into our bedroom, but she was actually able to do it! J soon came rushing down the hallway when he heard the door open and we burst into laughter when we realized what she had done.
- Making plans to go to BabiesRUs tomorrow to get some child-proof door locks. :)
- Playing Wii with J when she finally went down for an actual nap. We just got a Wii this last week but hadn't really had a chance to mess around with it. I laughed so much watching him play some of the Wii Fit Plus games on the balance board, and he actually beat me at Trivial Pursuit. Maybe he'll play more now that he won once.. ;)
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